The Blood of Jesus Found on the Ark of the Covenant - Ron Wyatt


Glenn Canady

Note by Glenn:  Please friend me on Facebook if you are a Truth Warrior!   I'm urging all truth warriors to go to Facebook and LIKE the "VT Truth Warriors" page - huge stories breaking there and we are taking ACTION!  Also get my free ebook  "How to Spread 1,000 Times More Truth" using simple tips.  Visit my Youtube channel also for VeteransToday Radio and much more!   We are being lied to by our fake news and the lies are increasing every day.  We have no more time to waste.  This story should have been in every newspaper on the planet but most Christians have never heard about it!




The Story of Ron Wyatt - God's faithful servant!


The video you are about to see is one of the most remarkable you have ever seen because it's true!  Ron Wyatt did find the Ark of the Covenant in 1982 right below where Jesus Christ gave his life on the cross.  The Ark had been placed in this secret location 600 years earlier as instructed by God.  When the solider pierced the side of Jesus, an Earthquake split the rock that the cross was placed upon and Jesus' blood ran down through this crack and dripped on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant!  All of this information has been suppressed by governments and even religious leaders around the world.  


When Ron Wyatt collected some of this blood from the Ark and had it analyzed,  the Israeli scientists were amazed at what they saw!  To their astonishment this blood was still alive!  The cells were still dividing when they put it in a growth medium.  They were also able to get a chromosome count which is not supposed to be possible on dried blood either because it's dead.  This blood was different than any human blood ever seen.  

The human genome, which is the complement of genes on the chromosomes, is composed of 22 identical pairs of chromosomes except for the X and Y chromosomes that determine whether a person is a male or a female. In a female all 23 pairs of chromosomes are identical with the 23rd pair being XX. In a male the 23rd pair is an X and a Y chromosome. In Jesus what we see is that he was formed with only half of the chromosomes of the 22 non sex determining pairs. But in order to make him a male the Lord supplied the Y chromosome through the Holy Spirit! If this was anything other than the Immaculate Conception Jesus could not have formed because he would have lacked the paired halves the needed chromosomes of the 22 non sex determining chromosome pairs. We can't develop without the chromosomes being pared. And yet by the power of God Jesus did form and God in all his glory provided His signature by putting his Y chromosome into the egg in Mary and thus determining Jesus to be a male!!! If Mary had been impregnated by a man then all 46 chromosomes would have to be present. The miracle of the Immaculate Conception is thus proven since there were only 24 chromosomes evident in the tests!!! Glory to God!!!! Amen!!!


Many people with devious motives have tired to disparage Ron Wyatt's work and say that he wasn't qualified to make these discoveries but his work has never been disproved!   Ron Wyatt also said that he met the four Angels that were guarding the Ark of the Covenant.  These Angels lifted the 900 pound solid gold lid and allowed Ron to take out the 10 Commandments.  They allowed him to videotape the Ark and the 10 Commandments.  He was told that his videotape proof would be released at the time when the Mark of the Beast system was implemented fully that would make Christians break the 10 Commandments.  


Ron also stated that he knows that of over 10 people that later tried to enter the room where the Ark was placed and that they were all were killed!   Clearly God does not want the Ark disturbed from its resting place.


You can read much more on Ron Wyatt's website here.


Here's the video that describes the Ark of the Covenant and the finding of the blood of Jesus Christ.  Please share this information with others so that they may learn that the Bible has been proven correct!



The Ark of the Covenant and the Blood of Jesus Christ!

Ark of the Covenant - Part 1

Ark of the Covenant Part 2

Noah's Ark Discovered!

Red Sea Crossing

Sodom and Gomorrah


Mt. Sinai






  • Henriette Matthijssen

    Thanks Glenn for posting! I watched all the videos! Very informative indeed!