The EHT picture is wrong; this shows how Low is the level of knowledge of the Black Holes in universities, in research centers

The EHT picture is wrong; this shows how Low is the level of knowledge of the Black Holes in universities, in research centers


“There is no Gravitational redshift around the Black Hole, around the Event horizon of the Black Hole in Ferent Quantum Gravity, like the red color in the EHT picture of the Black Hole”

Adrian Ferent

 “All the photons interacting with Gravitons will fall inside the Black Hole. We will see only the photons which do not interact with Gravitons that is why we see the White light around the Black Hole, not the read light like in the EHT picture of the Black Hole”

Adrian Ferent


“We do not see the black Event horizon, like in the EHT picture”

Adrian Ferent


“Einstein supermassive Black Hole picture from EHT is Black and Red; Ferent supermassive Black Hole picture is White”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent supermassive Black Hole picture is White; the EHT picture of the Black Hole is wrong, we do not see the black Event horizon because of the large luminosity as the result of gas and matter being accreted and we do not see the read light in the EHT picture around the Event horizon because at 3rs the Gravitational redshift does not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“You do not need a telescope to see a Black Hole, you need only an amazing brain to see it and a new Gravitation theory, Ferent Quantum Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


 “At this distance, 26,000 light-years from Sgr A* the Gravitational flux on Earth is very small, but the Gravitons from Sgr A* destroy cells on Earth”

Adrian Ferent


“There are no Extraterrestrial civilizations in the center of our galaxy, because of Sgr A*”

Adrian Ferent


“Einstein gravitation theory is wrong and Ferent Quantum Gravity is right”

Adrian Ferent


The UCLA picture of a Black Hole is right and the EHT picture is wrong!


The scientists from UCLA are right!

‘The new findings are based on observations of the black hole — which is called Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A* — during four nights in April and May at the Keck Observatory. The brightness surrounding the black hole always varies somewhat, but the scientists were stunned by the extreme variations in brightness during that timeframe, including their observations on May 13.’

 The energy of the Gravitons emitted by the Black Hole is much higher than the energy of the photons.


“All the photons interacting with Gravitons will fall inside the Black Hole. We will see only the photons which do not interact with Gravitons that is why we see the White light around the Black Hole, not the read light like in the EHT picture of the Black Hole”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“There is no Gravitational redshift around the Black Hole, around the Event horizon of the Black Hole in Ferent Quantum Gravity, like the red color in the EHT picture of the Black Hole”

Adrian Ferent


That is why the EHT picture of the Black Hole is wrong.

This is another proof that:


“Einstein gravitation theory is wrong and Ferent Quantum Gravity is right”

Adrian Ferent


The read light in the EHT picture of the Black Hole is the Gravitational redshift around the Black Hole, at 3rs around the Event horizon of the Black Hole.


The EHT picture of the Black Hole is wrong:


The Schwarzschild radius rs of an object is proportional to the mass.

The Schwarzschild radius rs of the Sgr A*  is 12×10^6 km


  rs  = 2GM / c^2


Between rs and 3rs around the Event horizon in EHT picture is red light, it is the Gravitational redshift.


How I explained:


“All the photons interacting with Gravitons will fall inside the Black Hole. We will see only the photons which do not interact with Gravitons that is why we see the White light around the Black Hole, not the read light like in the EHT picture of the Black Hole”

Adrian Ferent


This means:

The read light in the EHT picture of the Black Hole, around the Event horizon is wrong.

That is why:


“The EHT picture of the Black Hole is wrong and Einstein gravitation theory is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


 “The picture of the Black Hole is white not red like the EHT picture of the Black Hole”

Adrian Ferent


“I am the first who explained the Gravitational redshift”

 Adrian Ferent


“We do not see the black Event horizon like in the EHT picture”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity the supermassive Black Hole picture is white because around it there are a lot of collisions between stars and planets. The large luminosity is the result of gas and matter being accreted by the supermassive Black Hole.”

Adrian Ferent


How easy was accepted the wrong EHT picture of the Black Hole by universities, research centers, peer-reviewed journals…


“The EHT picture of the Black Hole is wrong; this shows how Low is the level of knowledge of the Black Holes and Dark Matter in universities, research centers”

Adrian Ferent


“Einstein supermassive Black Hole is a Singularity; Ferent supermassive Black Hole has very small volume”

Adrian Ferent


The scientists from UCLA are wrong!

No danger to Earth

‘The black hole is some 26,000 light-years away and poses no danger to our planet. Do said the radiation would have to be 10 billion times as bright as what the astronomers detected to affect life on Earth.’


“Gravitons emitted by Black Holes kill Aliens”

Adrian Ferent


“The energy of the Gravitons inside a Black Hole, is much higher than the energy of  gluons”

Adrian Ferent


“At this distance, 26,000 light-years from Sgr A* the Gravitational flux on Earth is very small, but the Gravitons from Sgr A* destroy cells on Earth”

Adrian Ferent


“Gravitational Radiation is the most dangerous because it travels the farthest and is the most penetrating”

Adrian Ferent


“I am the first who explained the lack of extraterrestrial civilizations”

Adrian Ferent


“Extraterrestrial civilizations are on planets moving around stars far away from Black Holes”

Adrian Ferent


“There are no Extraterrestrial civilizations in the center of our galaxy, because of Sgr A*”

Adrian Ferent




“Einstein supermassive Black Hole picture from EHT is Black and Red; Ferent supermassive Black Hole picture is White”

Adrian Ferent


This is another proof that:


“Einstein gravitation theory is wrong and Ferent Quantum Gravity is right”

Adrian Ferent


  1. I am the first who discovered that we do not see the black Event horizon, like in the EHT picture


  1. I am the first who discovered that Einstein supermassive Black Hole picture from EHT is Black and Red; Ferent supermassive Black Hole picture is White


  1. I am the first who discovered that the EHT picture of the Black Hole is wrong; this shows how Low is the level of knowledge of the Black Holes and Dark Matter in universities, research centers


  1. I am the first who discovered that at this distance, 26,000 light-years from Sgr A* the Gravitational flux on Earth is very small, but the Gravitons from Sgr A* destroy cells on Earth


  1. I am the first who discovered that there are no Extraterrestrial civilizations in the center of our galaxy, because of Sgr A*


  1. I am the first who discovered that Einstein gravitation theory is wrong and Ferent Quantum Gravity is right