Project Nsearch

God, Hope & Helping Others

Give Us YOUR Ideas on How We Fix America!

Glenn Canady

As most of you know, Project Nsearch has been retooled to provide solutions and local Action Teams to begin working on solutions for America and our world.  You will find the local Action Teams in the "Groups" menu option of the site.  We've moved all news and information to our Forums and now have a "Solution" area right at the top of front page for solutions and inspirational type posts.


We have no interest in simply reporting all the bad things that are going on around the world as our main focus anymore.  It doesn't help anyone to simply report the bad news so are going to concentrate on providing solutions and creating Action Teams to create positive change for all of us!  We will figure everything out as we go with your great input!  Nobody can stop a dedicated core of people from taking action!  YOU are the next American Revolution!  


If you are fed up with the insanity that is going on within the United States right now then it's time to put up or shut up!  Stop complaining and posting nothing but negative stories and start researching, posting and acting on solutions!  We're going to be much happier doing this anyway because we are helping to fix things instead of just spreading the bad news.  Let's spread the GOOD news instead and get others to join us!  


Project Nsearch is there to start the ball rolling and provide a place to meet and plan action.  If you can afford to do so, please consider setting up a monthly donation of just $3 to help us pay for airtime for Nsearch Radio.  You can do this through the donate link on the right column of every page.  If you get just 200 of you to do a $3 a month donation then we will be able to pay our monthly bills without having to ever ask for money.


We've already shown you that we aren't afraid of tackling the big stories that nobody else will cover but now we want to utilize everything we have learned in the past few years to provide the solutions and people willing to do something about it!  I know most of you here are good people that just want what's best for the country and your own families.  I promise you that I will never quit trying to bring you new solutions for as long as God lets me breathe.  My main focus now is bringing solutions and saving souls through our Christian social network at  God has led me to this change of course and I hope that all of you will help us now more than ever.  You also don't have to be afraid of posting on our website because we are now a Solutions based website! 


Project Nsearch will continue to break stories and we will still get great guests through Nsearch Radio but our main focus is now to unite the American people in a common purpose - Fixing America!  It's time for all of us to team up and save America.  We have no intention in being your leaders because we want all of you to be the leaders!  We encourage you to meet up in person and begin taking action in your local areas!   Nobody can stop us from all taking action a little each day.  Taking action can be something as simple as finding out if your local water is fluoridated and if so when is the next meeting of the water department!  

An organization can never be infiltrated if it has no true leaders and we agree to have no leaders! Everybody is a leader and everybody is taking action to create the changes we want to see.  If you're not taking action and you're just complaining about things then we don't even want you on this website because nothing is going to improve until YOU decide to help in whatever way you can!  Even handing out our "Wake Up Cards" is being part of the solution because you are taking action and sharing the cures to cancer with others!  Get those cards printed out and leave them everywhere you go!

Americans know our country is broken but we also know that we can absolutely fix it!  We can vote out those that have broken their Constitutional oaths once we get back control over the voting boxes and go to manual ballots for all elections with Constitutional Sheriffs guarding the ballot boxes!   So we know that getting rid of the criminal Federal Reserve system and petitioning for manual ballots are two of the most important goals but there are many other things that need to be fixed with America.

It's now time for you to take the first step in the process and tell us some of your ideas!  To stay on point, please limit all your suggestions to 100 words or less.  Give us your ideas on what it's going to take to Fix America and whether you can help!  We need all your ideas for fixing America to get to the next level now.

Give us about 100 words or so on how we fix America!  Put the most important things first on the list.  Maybe you can come up with 10 or 20 things that need to be fixed with America.  Let's use the combined brain power of all those that read this article.  Your first job of taking action is to come up with your personal list of ways to Fix America.  Really think about and come up with anything that you feel is really hurting America right now.  Keep it simple and short and to the point so it's basically a list of 10-20 things if you can get that many.

Here's an example:

1) End the Fed

2) Vote out all electronic voting machines

3) Arrest the guilty with citizen grand juries

4) Follow the Constitution

5) Legalize Hemp

6) End the Drug War

7) Abolish the TSA

8) Implement free energy

9) Allow all natural cures to be used

10) Stop the endless wars for profit of a few

Views: 2796


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Comment by Cancer Research on July 3, 2012 at 3:32pm

People who believe what we believe need to run for office.  You don't have to make any money.  Just let people know that you will vote NO on any bill that increases the size, the cost, extending the reach or power of the federal government.  In the meantime (before the next time you can sign up as a candidate) start going to any political meeting (even a school board, a PTA, etc.) and ask the speaker: I understand we have a lot of problems in these United States. Why is it that your solution to each and every problem is one-size fits all, an increase in the size, the cost, extending the reach or power of the government? We have too much government now, why do you insist on giving us more?  If we have people all over the country doing this, we will have an avalanche of people asking this very important question.

Comment by oklahoman on July 3, 2012 at 3:01pm

Prosecute criminal judges, attorneys, law enforcement, public officials, politicians   START with Obama

Comment by Marek Zielinski on July 3, 2012 at 1:17pm

Someone wants me to fix America!?

Here below is the solution, for America and the rest of the world.

Let start from this:


Comment by Parsifal Rain on July 3, 2012 at 2:37am

 Glenn, with all the neccessary respect - the globalisation is not only concerning America - as the name says, it is worldwide and our thoughts and ideas in this discussion should not be limited to the US only

But for the beginning, the stars and stripes you fly - it is not your flag.

It is the flag of war and The American Corporation - the opponent symbol to we-the-people.

To understand please read this:

USA is a Corporation - There are Two Constitutions - Sovereignty


Do you really like look up, salute and respect a flag of destruction ?

View this - it is YOUR real stars and stripes:

Comment by Parsifal Rain on July 3, 2012 at 2:06am

The system on its head !

The criminals in power want ‘more centralization’, meaning a centralized (globalization aim) and undemocratic dictatorship from Washington, and Brussels as well.

The population wants exactly the opposite, decentralization and the political decision-making power back to local level.

A local level must not contain more than 150 people to make this unit observable and concise and enables everyone, every time may put in adequate.

A local level resides in your close environment, your family, your neighborhood and I dare to speak of tribe as it is the mother of society and has worked (and still works for aeons of human society)

  • It's obvious the further away the politicians and bureaucrats are of the people, the more callous and harder for its decision.

If the politicians are in the immediate vicinity, however, the neighbors of those they choose, they choose very different and more human.


< We definitely can not change our globalized society by voting someone else on the ‘top of the pyramid’.

We must flip the pyramid as a whole and put humanity first.

  • There IS no other way and we have to face it a re-boot is become more than necessary, look where ‘materialism’ has brought us, look at the world and the havoc the old system has brought, everything is upside down; we must reflect and return to oneness based on the principles our creator has given - I do not mean the manmade so called 10 commandments.

The sane fractions of humanity - anyway knows how to deal with others beyond 10 commandments.

This for the first - I will provide more input later, this as an introduction to a wait range change which is to start within oneself.

Excellent idea Glenn to make this discussion, some great comments indeed.

The old system is in the down-grade:

This is what makes the infantry, the insane advocates so enormous dangerous, as they are with backs to the wall.

Unknowingly, when they cause one disaster after the other, they awake more and more people, which will increase the downward spiral and quickens their own downfall.

  • We need to bethink our individual strenghts for the time past their fall and not make the same errors as we did before assisting the elites in making so called democracies.

A real revolution (a turn-around), originated from the hearts and minds of we-the-people must arise, a peaceful transition based on humanity and our true calling, awarenesses and faith.

We should all consider where our individual strenght lies and start to co-ordinate creating a counter balance to the hamster-wheel-society. Then we must cut the cord in all which connects us to the establishment, the 0,1% - our opponents, sitting in the same boat called Mother Earth.

  • We would terribly fail, fighting the evil, (this can not work asis  a cosmic law, as the evil is even in us) but we can strenghten the good within and so in the world and this will help acquire a different picture to the state (scenario) we are currently in (if we ever want to look back...)

  • Tea party and occupy have failed for us, they were all established by the globalists, same as the 'Arab Spring(s).

  • Flipping the pyramid can only function when people realise from running in the wheel their bloody pawns become painful and - in order to stay alive and not feel the aches - globlists want us to run every day more faster.

Find out, where your calling is, what is it that fulfills your heart with the utmost of joy - (a state where you are moved to tears) this is it - your true calling, this is TGE REAL YOU.

Not a job, a duty, a committment we carry out FOR the system and make ourself even complicit to it a 24-7.

It is the one and only reason to be here on the blue green planet to find the gem within - doubts ? - go ask your heart.

- Parsifal

Comment by John Best on July 2, 2012 at 10:18pm

Washington DC has been corrupt for 98 years since Woodrow Wilson indebted us to the Rothschild family and their criminal associates. We have to undo all of the usurpation of our freedom that has been perpetrated by these bankers and their corporations. They control every aspect of out lives and con most of us into electing them to rule us. When we stop voting for them, we can have true freedom.

These people control the Democrats and Republicans who perpetually lie to us while they're running for office. Once they're elected, they serve the corporations and the banks. They pay us lip service when we write to them and ignore everything We the People have to say. All of the laws they make serve the trillionaires and billionaires. No honest citizen is ever allowed on their TV networks to expose the truth about the criminal activities our Congress is engaged in.

Every time you vote for any Democrat or Republican, you are voting against yourself. Please stop doing this and elect me so I can undo all of the evil that has been foisted upon us by these liars and thieves in Congress. A vote for me is a vote for yourself.

PROBLEM: UNEMPLOYMENT, SOLUTION: We can solve this by banning imports from Asia and other third world places where labor is paid a dollar or two a day. We can kick the formerly USA based corporations out of here, seize their closed factories and reopen all of them as employee owned co-ops. This will rid us of the greedy CEO's who earn millions per year for themselves and it will take these corporations out of the Wall Street mix so prices aren't jacked up to meet investors demands. Employees will share equally in profits and we can restrict prices so those profits are reasonable, thus causing deflation so we all need to earn less money to survive.

PROBLEM: NATIONAL DEBT, SOLUTION: I will seize the Federal Reserve from the criminal banking families who own it during my inauguration speech. I will send the military to remove the bosses from all twelve branches and inform the employees that they are now working for the USA and keep them employed to manage a smooth transition from the criminals to The People of the USA. This will immediately cancel any debt allegedly and illegally owed to these criminal bankers. I will print our own money, pay all debts without collecting any taxes to do so and end our national debt. From there forward, we will never have to borrow any money again. We will simply print whatever we need, the same thing the Federal Reserve has always done, except now, we will owe no interest to anyone. We will take the bankers out of the equation and we will have fiscal freedom.

PROBLEM: HOMELESSNESS + FORECLOSURES, SOLUTION: In the process of dismembering the banking industry, I am going to declare all mortgages null and void. I can do this since the whole mortgage industry is based on the 1913 crime that created the Federal Reserve and allowed these bankers to manipulate housing markets and force all of us to pay them interest on money that they created out of thin air. All of our money since 1913 has been counterfeit. I'm going to break these criminals and send them packing. We will have a new banking system that is not based on Rothschild economics. Our economy will be based on what is good for US citizens, not increasing profits for bankers. The 18 or 19 million vacant housing units that we have will be given away to anyone who wants them. If you don't have a home, just stake a claim to one, just like pioneer days when people staked claims to land. I'm taking these housing units away from the banks. They're US assets and they belong to US citizens. The banks robbed all of us for 98 years and I'm taking back what is rightfully ours.

PROBLEM: VACCINES, SOLUTION: Mercury in vaccines has been damaging our brains since 1931 when it was first used in vaccines. Every time you shoot mercury into a child who's less than one month old, you kill brain cells. You also cause neurological damage to one out of six children with conditions like Autism, Asperger's, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Speech Delays, Tics, Diabetes, Asthma, Allergies, ADD, Epilepsy etc, as well as Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's Disease and more in adults. I will ban all mercury in medicine immediately and recall every product that contains any trace of mercury. I'll also tell everyone how to remove that mercury from their brains with a process called chelation which will cure many of the problems that were caused. I'll spend whatever it takes to cure everyone else who was damaged by vaccines and I'll take as much money as the drug companies have to pay for it. I'll also compensate the victims and their families for the damage that was done and I'll see to it that criminals who infest our Congress and took bribes to ignore this crime are prosecuted.

PROBLEM: SECRECY, SOLUTION: We the People are the bosses of our elected officials. They need to fear us, not the other way around. As President, I will have one member of the public, from all different walks of life and with concerns about all different issues in the White House with me for one day at a time to watch what I do and tell me about their concerns. No issue will be ignored. We can't solve problems if we don't know they exist so you will have that opportunity to identify the problems and tell me your proposed solutions. The only thing that I will keep secret is military actions which could aide the enemy and the specifics of technology development that could do the same.

PROBLEM: ENERGY, SOLUTION: People have invented water powered cars, solar powered cars and more. I'm going to give those inventors whatever they need to mass produce those vehicles and deliver them to the public as inexpensively as possible. I'm going to uncover the truth about the oil industry and we will have oil at a reasonable price. The Oil Industry has stifled development of other energy. That's going to end and we'll move forward. I welcome solutions from the experts.

PROBLEM: IMMIGRATION, SOLUTION: If you come/came here illegally, you're a criminal. Get out. If you're here legally, welcome.

PROBLEM: TERRORISM, SOLUTION: Our most dangerous terrorists are members of Congress who ignore our Constitution. I'm going to identify all of them, see to their impeachment and get rid of them. Every state will need to have new elections where unbribed citizens will have equal media exposure so we can select competent and honest legislators. Our Domestic Enemies in Congress have worked insidiously to destroy our country and our freedoms for the benefit of banks and corporations. We have to throw them all out and start fresh. I'm going to stop interfering with other countries. If we stop bombing people and destroying their homes and killing their children, these people from other lands who hate us may have a change of attitude. I'll try to negotiate peace wherever I can. I will continue to use whatever resources we need to keep our land and our people safe.


PROBLEM: THE MEDIA, SOLUTION: Our media, TV, newspapers and radio is largely owned by the same people who illegally own the Federal Reserve. I'm going to take it away from them and make it a public resource owned and operated by you. This comes under freedom of speech. We can't have free speech if the people who own the media refuse to present the whole truth. Had the people who wrote the Constitution foreseen TV, I have no doubt they would have acted to ensure that it was not used as it is today, to sell us overpriced junk and lie to us about what's going in the world. To me, this is a no-brainer. This resource belongs to all of us. We're taking it for ourselves.

PROBLEM: OTHER, SOLUTION: You tell me. Above is what I consider primary problems that have to be fixed immediately. I realize there are many other issues affecting citizens. You will all have your chance to have your concerns heard with my program of having a different citizen in the White House every day. The goal of this program is to fix all the wrongs that have been perpetrated by the bankers and do what's best for you. Once we have an honest Congress, I'll ask them to do the same thing, allow citizens to present their concerns and have Congress act on them right away without wasting months or years playing their stupid political games.



Comment by MIKE PETERSON on July 2, 2012 at 9:35pm

I cant just give one answer, i got a top 10

1: end federal reserve

2: legalize hemp, and marajana and regulate like cigs or alchahol

3: outlaw lobbying

4: make a law requiring doctors to know and prescribe nutriten, and if they prescribe prescript drugs they can b investigated and jailed if not warented

5: outlaw democratic and republican party and replace with the constitutional party with 5 nominees

6: lower corporate tax rate from 40% to 20%

7: make a constitutional oversight commity of 100 people, 2 from each state, they must be employed/unemployed (u cant own a company, be a president or executive of one and not make over 50k total for a year) and can only serve one year and makes 50k for that year.

8: at 18 u serve 2 years in military and must own a gun from ages 18-50

9: make it a law that if u are a representative of our country, county,state,fed, president, if found guilty by the constitutional oversight commity of treason against the people or constitution, u will b hung till dead!

10: hang all these mofos destroying this country!

Comment by michael hall on July 2, 2012 at 8:53pm

give it back to the 330+ tribes america was stolen from


Comment by michael hall on July 2, 2012 at 7:59pm

Dissolve the USA

Start all over


Comment by Carla Hafford on July 2, 2012 at 5:48pm

I believe we should ALL GET TOGETHER & make a trip to the White House or Congress, just All show up go inside & Start talking & Demanding some answers. And also to remove some people from power when we go. Bring your bodies to the problem....We all have to show up in person period, before their going to do anything to change anything. And if that don't work, bring your Rifles & I promise that they will sing a different turn. We want action, not a bunch of dead talk that never goes anywhere. You have to sometimes fight fire w/fire, show up with force, just like they do...

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It is the Ministry of NSearch that all inherit the Kingdom of God

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law....

Now the works of the flesh are evident, 

which are adultery fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,

idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies,

outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy,

murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like;

of which I (Paul the Apostle) tell you beforehand,

just as I also told you in time past, that those who 

practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control,

against such there is no law. Those who are Christ's

have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Let us not become conceited, provoking one another,

envying one another.

Galatians 5:18-26

{Sorcery: "Pharmakia;" Primarily mentioned as one of the "works of the flesh." In "sorcery" the use of drugs. Blue Letter Bible. Galatians 5:20}

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