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14 Years Without a Cold! Dr Tells Secret!

Get healed by Jesus at  Join our Newsletter!  Cures for ALL diseases at Suppressed Health Secrets!   See First bioavailable copper supplement to destroy bacteria in our blood! World's only Humic and Fulvic Green tea that stops virus replication and builds new cells!  Use Coupon Code: glenn for 10% off all orders.  Also Check out, Nsearch Coolest Gadgets and our 5 Star Shine Never Wax Your Car!

Nature has provided one of the best antivirals while also providing the cure to our depleted soils.  How this works is explained in the video above.  Humic and Fulvic acids come from ancient soils buried deep in the Earth.  These soils have been reduced similar to how compost is created but on far larger scale and with so much more nutrition!  I believe God knew we would mess things up at this time so he provided the Humic and Fulvic solution to fix the problems we have with our mineral depleted soils!   Can you imagine how healthy our food would be if it was grown indoors without pesticides and supplemented with Humic and Fulvic enriched soils?    I could see 24 hour per day skyscraper farms where plants are grown as seeds at the top and by the time they get to the bottom they are fully grown plants being shipped to market!

I found a very interesting interview with Richard J. Laub.  Dr. Laub is a chemist with 150 peer reviewed research papers, sixteen patents and numerous symposium presentations.  In this interview Dr. Laub discusses how Humic and Fulvic acids give the body the trace minerals it needs to build a strong immune system and the humic itself has amazing antiviral properties!  

This information was confirmed by a man I met in March who created the first tea drink using Humic and Fulvic acid and I tried his product.  I loved this special green tea drink so much I began selling it at to fund the truth movement!  This man told me he hadn't had a cold in 8 years since he created this Fulvic, Humic tea!  I drink this green tea sports drink twice a tea and it tastes great.  I drink it cold.

But check this out!  Dr. Laub began taking Fulvic and Humic in 2004 and he hasn't had a since 2004!   That's 14 years without a cold by taking Humic and Fulvic Acid!  Everybody should be taking this stuff!

Here's the really interesting quote from the interview!

"Focus: That just shows you the broad-spectrum action of humic acid, so that it’s likely to work on many viruses we carry that have not yet been identified. I assume you take it yourself?

RJL: Of course. And I haven’t had a cold or the flu since 2004. Not one."

Earlier in this article, Dr Laub states how Humic Acid stops viral replication.  Once you stop the viral replication, the virus begins to die out!   This discovery should be shouted from the rooftops but of course we have Fake Medicine and Fake News who work for Fake Humans who want us sick and dead!

Dr. Laub explains how Humic chemically stops virus replication!  This is HUGE news right here and I can tell you since I began taking our own Humic Fulvic Green Tea in March,  I haven't been sick at all even though many friends were sick!  Tons of energy too!   Here's the interesting part of the interview!

"Focus: Can you explain what a virus does once it attaches to a cell receptor?

RJL: It essentially pokes a hole in the cell, and injects either its RNA or DNA–its genomic material–into the cell. At that point the virus has essentially spent itself, but the viral material inside the cell uses the cell’s machinery to create more viruses, which then leave the cell and go on to bind to and infect other cells.

Focus: What happens to a virus when it binds to humic acid instead of a cell surface?

RJL: Humic acid essentially neutralises a virus’s chemical “stickiness”. Doing so in turn prevents the virus from reproducing since it can no longer attach (“fuse”) to the surface of a host cell. The immune system can then begin to eliminate the virus (largely through the action of macrophages). Also, viruses don’t live forever: if not allowed to reproduce, influenza viruses, for example, die out in 36-48 hours.

Focus: What happens if viruses have already attached to your cells? Can humic acid help?

RJL: Humic acid binds so strongly to viruses that it can actually displace them from a cell surface. In vitro studies have shown, for example, that if you allow herpes simplex viruses to attach to host cells and then add humic acid to the solution, it will displace viruses from infected cell surfaces. That is, humic acid has a greater affinity for the virus than the virus does for the host cell. Thus, humic acid can actually displace a virus even after it has attached itself to the surface of a cell.[6]:


Think of how many people might be cured of viruses by simply loading up on Humic and Fulvic!   Let's spread the word about this amazing discovery because the Fake News surely won't do it!

If you like my stories and want to try out the Green Tea drink with Fulvic and Humic at just use coupon code: glenn for 10% off your first purchase.  Your purchases also help me buy more advertising so I can get the truth to more people!   Tell everybody our fake medical system is hiding this secret!   Stop taking the scam flu shots and use the secret a doctor used to not get a cold in 14 years!  

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It is the Ministry of NSearch that all inherit the Kingdom of God

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law....

Now the works of the flesh are evident, 

which are adultery fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,

idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies,

outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy,

murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like;

of which I (Paul the Apostle) tell you beforehand,

just as I also told you in time past, that those who 

practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control,

against such there is no law. Those who are Christ's

have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Let us not become conceited, provoking one another,

envying one another.

Galatians 5:18-26

{Sorcery: "Pharmakia;" Primarily mentioned as one of the "works of the flesh." In "sorcery" the use of drugs. Blue Letter Bible. Galatians 5:20}

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